The Richest Man in Babylon boek PDF

Geschreven door George S Clason

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Benieuwd waar het boek The Richest Man in Babylon over gaat? Lees hieronder de samenvatting van The Richest Man in Babylon :

Beloved by millions, George S. Clasons classic business book reveals the financial principles that hold the key to personal wealth-now with a new introduction by Suze Orman. the SUCCESS SECRETS of the ANCIENTS-AN ASSURED ROAD TO HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY Countless readers have been helped by the famous Babylonian parables, hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. In language as simple as that found in the Bible, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Acclaimed as a modern-day classic, this celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of-and a solution to-your personal financial problems that will guide you through a lifetime. This is the business book that holds the secrets to keeping your money-and making more. May they prove for you, as they have proven for millions of others, a sure key to gratifying financial progress.

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Het boek The Richest Man in Babylon onder EAN code 9780451205360  is geschreven door: George S Clason.

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